full name aaron "sully" sullivan jr. date of birth september 12, 1988 residence boston, massachusetts occupation artist @ the boston tattoo co. status single
What's your name? aaron sullivan, but everyone i know calls me sully.

how old are you? 28.

Where are you from? i'm originally from portland, but i needed a change of pace and my buddy had a chair open.

What do you do for a living? i'm a tattoo artist at the boston tattoo company.

What do you do for fun? drink, hit up shows, sleep. i draw flash for tattoo magazines. i've also taken up guitar lately, so that takes up a lot of free time.

What kind of music to you enjoy? rockabilly, punk, heavy metal, mostly. i'm pretty open minded, but i don't listen to the stuff that comes on the radio much.

what is your favorite movie? that's a hard one. you can never go wrong with horror. comedy's good too. i'm into shit like cabin in the woods, army of darkness, beetlejuice, star wars, burton and schumacher era batman, clerks. the list could go on forever.

do you like animals or have pets? i have a cat named vader, he's kind of a dick.

any tattoos or piercings? a lot of tattoos but no extra holes.

do you smoke or drink? both.

what is the last book that you read? the strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

Do you have a favorite quote? "We are all born mad. Some remain so."

What is your most treasured possession and why? my grandpa's old acoustic. it's seen better days but it's what inspired me to learn guitar.

if you won the lottery, what's the first thing you'd buy? my own tattoo shop. i think being my own boss for once would be pretty epic.

is the cup half empty or half full? that's always kind of been a stupid metaphor. i'm a realist, to answer the real question

Describe your perfect vacation. would it be lame to say in my living room, not being bothered by anyone or anything? just the couch, cold beer, and an endless stream of netflix. a trip to vegas or cali would be nice too.

Who was your first crush? christina ricci's wednesday addams. she's still everything i want in a woman.

Do you believe in love at first sight? lust, yes. love, no.

What is your ideal date? beer and pizza because i'm a man. i like bowling, arcades, concerts, something easy to take the pressure off.

Biggest turns on and turn offs? make me laugh. don't be afraid to just go with it. i love smirks and sarcasm. common interests are sexy. i can't stand people who are stuck up, impatient, or judgemental.

Your most annoying habit? i spend entirely too much time and money on my beard. it's fucking magnificent though.

When was your last relationship and how long did it last? it was two years ago and lasted roughly six years. we started dating our last year of high school and i asked her to marry me five years later. we had the whole wedding planned out then she called it off. it's a big part of why i left portland. i haven't had much luck dating since.

Do you want to marry or have you ever been married? i've been engaged, never married. i may or may not be masochistic enough to try it again.

Do you want/have children? i don't have any of my own, but i've helped raise my nephew since he was a little dude. he spends the summers down here in boston ever since i moved. does that count?

What is one thing you would want someone to know about you? i suffer from the male equivalent of resting bitch face. i look pissed off at the world 90% of the time when i'm acually usually in a pretty good mood. drop by, say hey, i promise i won't punch you in the throat.

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